Seasonal Worker Europe

Seasonal Worker

A seasonal worker is defined in Article 3(b) of Directive 2014/36/EU - on the conditions of entry and stay of third-country nationals for the purpose of employment as Seasonal Worker.

Non-European third-country national who retains his or her principal place of residence in a third country and stays legally and temporarily in the territory of a Member State to carry out an activity dependent on the passing of the seasons, under one or more fixed-term work contracts concluded directly between that non-European third-country national and the employer established in that Member State.

Galaxy Seven The Netherlands B.V. Prospectus -

To build an innovative growing and successful business throughout the development of unique purpose-build services for European Employers. We ensure that the entire recruitment and placement process is efficient and effortless for your company.

Our services are not limited to recruitment and placement of Asian workers, we ensure the workers arrive on time and we keep assisting till the workers become habituated with the work place and work schedule.

We offer services that cover every aspect and stage of knowledge to recruit and place workers according to your organization/business needs.

For seasonal work we provide – semi skilled and skilled workers to Europe.

We take care of all the bureaucracy so that the whole process is quick and simple for employer to get all the required documents and permits to recruit non-European third countries semi – skilled and skilled workers, as seasonal worker.

For employer’s it would be very hassle-free to recruit right candidates for seasonal workers through Galaxy Seven the Netherlands B.V. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Agriculture/Poultry/Dairy/ Horticultural Sector –

We provide fresh graduates from many of the Agricultural universities and colleges from Bangladesh to European Employers. As the monthly wages are much lower in non-European third world countries for agricultural sector workers, therefore it would be a great opportunity for the fresh graduates to learn the technology with much higher wages.

We also have huge database of experienced agricultural workers of who are willing to come to learn the advance technology in the agricultural sector of Europe and earn a good amount of wages during seasonal work period so that, they would invest back the money and knowledge in their home countries post their return at the end of seasonal work contract.

Tourism and Hospitality Sector

There are about 5 main sectors of tourism –

Transportation, Accommodation, Food & beverage, Recreation and entertainment. We have huge numbers of candidates with 4/5 years of working experience, well mannered, educated, sober and gentle from Malaysia, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

We have associated with Universities, Colleges, training schools, and special consultants to support us for collecting the details of the workers who are experienced from Gulf countries and willing to enhance their knowledge and skills in European hospitality and tourism sectors as seasonal worker.

Galaxy Seven The Netherlands B.V. - assurances as follows –

  • We have our offices and associates in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Vietnam and Malaysia.
  • We maintain prospective relation with different Non European Third World countries government and semi-government organizations through our associates to organize accurate and preferred services.
  • Ethical recruitment process is our main moto.
  • Employer would receive numbers of cv’s with necessary documents from Galaxy Seven the Netherlands B.V.- within a very short time, to make a choice from the data base of. Non-European Third World countries workers.
  • We would arrange online interview in order to see the language ability and interview the prospective workers.
  • On request of the Employer, we could with the Employer in order to take face to face interview of the candidates at our counterpart offices in Non-European Third world countries.
  • Galaxy Seven the Netherlands B.V. would continue service and assistance for its clients (Employer) in Europe - arranging Quota/ required approval from Government, arranging accurate candidates for the work, assistance at Non-European Third world countries’ Embassies for visa, arranging flight, receiving at the European Airport, bring them at Employers place, and continue communicating with the new workers till they become habituated with the work place and work schedule.

Most of Non-European Third world countries workers are at risk of not returning to their home country after completing the term of contract in European countries as seasonal worker in hope of earning more wages. We Galaxy Seven the Netherland B.V - implements a strategic system with the support of government organizations of Non European Third world counties to educate the worker about European Immigration laws and assure the worker to recruit back for seasonal work in Europe for 2nd term with our entire assistance.

Galaxy Seven the Netherland B.V – would follow-up the workers who have already arrived in Europe as seasonal workers to ensure them that, we have very good relation with Employer.

We are always the bridge between the Employer and Non-European Third world countries workers for understanding, compromise, negotiation, and assurance.

Looking for free consulations about any
kind of seasonal worker solutions?